The Men Behind the Curtain are Finally Revealed

The video is horrifying to watch. The video shows innocent men being shot and killed. It was covered up the United States military. It revealed what the the US had been trying to hide. They were trying to hide the fact that they were murders in a controversial attack across seas. 

Julian Assange
posted a video to WikiLeaks after he hacked into government military data and pulled a video of the innocent war journalists final moments. It proves that the men in the helicopters unfairly targeted them. Although it is hard to tell if Saeed, a journalist that was shot and killed, was holding a rifle, it is clear in the video that he opposed no threat. He was simply walking down the street from a meeting with his fellow journalists, with his camera at his side. 

The men inside the helicopter can be heard saying things like they want to kill them and are happy to kill them. Almost as if they were playing a video game, instead of in a real life war. The video traveled around the internet and even after everyone saw it the US still did not take responsibility for the unfair attack. 

It was later found out that Assange had posted the video to WikiLeaks. The US government was not happy. They immediately went after Assange. 

Daniel Ellsberg, the man who released the Pentagon Papers commented on Assange's circumstances. Saying that the government was clearly stomping on his First Amendment right to freedom of speech. He said that journalists everywhere must be sad that real journalism does not exist. Real journalism tells the people what they have the right to know. They had the right to know this. 

I feel that Ellsberg is right it steps on the rights of the people. The people had the right to know what truly happened. Assange was doing his job by informing the people. It steps on his rights to do so. I think that the US government does not own up for the things that they have done wrong. They should have punished the soldiers and taken responsibility. 
