As Long as There is War The U.S. Will Always Need the Military

Humans are going to disagree. There are billions of us and each and every one of us have different ideas and opinions. Throughout the years the collusion of ideas and opinions have created conflict. Conflict that has created wars and violence. 

The United States covered up a tragedy several years ago that ended with innocent war journalists dying. The government was never charged with collateral damage. However, they refuse to take responsibility for those who died innocently.

Video footage of Saeed and Namir before attack. 

Saeed Chmagh and Namir Noor-Eldeen started there day as normal on July 12, 2007. Chmagh had always told his collegues that he would die for them. He would do anything to protect them. That day Chmagh and Noor-Eldeen did exactly that when they were killed by a U.S. Military Apache helicopter. 

Not long after the attack the video from the U.S. Military Apache helicopter was released by WikiLeaks. The helicopter footage shows the soldiers enjoying the murder of the innocent people. The soldiers mistook Chmagh and Noor-Eldeen’s camera for a gun. If the journalists wanted war they would have hidden and began shooting many argue. However, these people were walking to their office, not harming anyone, not hiding, or planning an attack.  

Other cases like Chmagh and Noor-Eldeen’s are constantly being swept under the rug of the U.S. government’s many secrets and problematic situations. ANTIWAR.COM and American Conservative are two alternative media sites that protest war. It describes the injustices that the government does not tell its people.

The topic of antiwar is often not found in the mainstream media. The mainstream media blocks the topic of antiwar because in most cases it is not ideal. The government will never be able to abolish war. The United States is too invested in wars that by removing themselves from such a thing creates disasters not just for its citizen, but for other countries that the States are loyal too. 

President Joe Biden removed troops from Afghanistan this past year. The removal of troops resulted in the Taliban taking over. It created chaos, war, and death across all of Afghanistan. It threatened the lives of U.S. citizens as well as a potential terrorist attack was likely. The United States not only put other countries in danger, but it also caused many lives. 

The reason the American Conservative and ANTIWAR.COM are not found in mainstream media is because their ideas on war is not reality. War will never end. The U.S. would like to pull troops and bring everyone home. However, if they did this it would risk millions of lives across the globe. It is not the U. S’s fault that there is war, it is the evil beings that want to kill us. The U.S. is trying to protect innocent lives, rather than create conflict and end lives. 

Chmagh and Noor-Eldeen’s case was an unfortunate one. The men in those helicopters should not have shot them. They should have waited to see if they were a threat. The journalists were clearly not a threat from the video. They did not hide, and they did not act like they would shoot. The U.S. should take full responsibility for the loss of their lives. It is wrong that they did not taken responsibility. However, war in general and the fact that the U.S. has one of the most powerful militaries to protect themselves and allies is not the problem here. The problem here is that the U.S. is not open with its citizens and the world. Everyone makes mistakes, the U.S. made a fatal mistake, they should take responsibility to gain their respect and show the world they are trying to protect rather than hurt. 
