As someone who is studying journalism. I find it is incredibly important to have several top news stations that you feel delivers the most reliable facts. Below I have listed out my favorite news stations where I get my news from. 

Fox News

Although Fox News is considered to be a mostly republican biased news source, I have found that it delivers factual information. Every news source will give its opinion on politics. It is your choice to determine if you agree or disagree with there opinion. A good news source will give you details and facts to help you better understand the argument. I believe that Fox News delivers factual details. I do not always agree with what they have to say, but I enjoy learning about the breaking news stories and important information. They keep the public well informed and are considered one of the most watched news station in the U.S. I also like that they bring people on that have opposing view points so that the audience can hear both sides of the argument. I typically do not read many Fox News articles, but it is one of my favorite news stations to watch and I highly encourage anyone to watch Fox News when they are looking to hear about important events and topics. 

Click on the picture above to watch Fox News live. 

The New York Times 

The New York Times is a very well known news source. I am subscribed to The New York Times emails. I get daily emails about the top news articles and information about important topics. In school I use The New York Times for research papers as it is a trusty news source with factual articles. Occasionally The New York Times will post articles that feature interactive content. Some of the interactive features includes moving graphs, moving pictures, and the ability to play little learning games. Previously, I have used the interactive graphs and pictures in presentations to make my work come alive to the audience. I highly encourage anyone to use The New York Times as a research source for school or work. 

Click the picture above to view and interactive New York Times article. 

The Wall Street Journal 

The Wall Street Journal has long been a favorite news source for my research projects. The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal show case similar articles. I look to The Wall Street Journal for different perspectives on the same topic so that I can form a strong argument and rebuttal for research papers and essays. I also use The Wall Street Journal to watch stocks and to learn about what is impacting the stock market. I highly encourage students, professors, or anyone doing research to use both The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal as it gives factual, detailed information with different view points on various events and topics. 

Click on the picture above to view the Wall Street Journal Market Data. 


Older adults would disagree that social media, especially Instagram is a reliable news source. For the most part it is not a reliable news source. However, there are certain platforms that you can follow that will share breaking news and important stories. Almost every news source has a platform on social media, including Instagram. I follow Buzzfeed so I can hear about the gossip in the Hollywood world. I also often check the president's Instagram as well as Fox News, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and my local news for new stories. The reason I like getting my news from Instagram is because each post is short, to the point, and I do not have to read a long article or watch a live feed to get the information I need. I can read it in the caption, gain the main points and see what people think about in the comments. I encourage young adults who spend a lot of time on social media to look through some trusted news source's accounts and read the headlines to better inform themselves on what is happening in the world. 

Click on the picture above to see Breaking News by NBC on Instagram. 


I do not use Buzzfeed for factual political or public affair news. I use Buzzfeed as a way to quickly gain information and stories about Hollywood. For example, earlier this week it alerted me that Scarlett Johansson had her second child with husband Colin Jost. It also gives me information on hot topics and trends in the world so I can stay up to date on everything. Occasionally they also post funny and even interesting and intriguing stories from people in their audience. Buzzfeed is a source of entertainment, but it also keeps me informed on Hollywood life. Anyone looking to learn more about the life of Hollywood stars should follow Buzzfeed's Instagram account. 

Click the photo above to view Buzzfeed's The Best of the Internet website. 
